Annis Cassells National Poetry Month Poemoirs Poetry The RavensPerch writing

Getting Published, or Not…

~ If you’re writing, whatever you’re writing, you are a writer.

Getting Published, or Not . . .

Merely putting pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard, we’re writers. We write for ourselves and often for others, whether it’s memoir, fantasy, poetry, historical fiction, or essay doesn’t matter. Whether we’re published or not, we’re writers.

We admire famous authors and their ability to put words together that change us in some way. And, they are famous!

Many of us write just for ourselves, the sheer joy or urgency of it all. We’re happy and satisfied with our notebooks and journals and have no desire to share them with the world.

Lots of us want to get published. It’s a way to present our work to a larger audience. It’s also validation of our writing if someone, besides the folks who love us, deems our writing good enough to grace the pages of their publication.

I’m no different. I was ecstatic when I recently read the email subject line “Acceptance” and then read further that my poems were online that very day. The RavensPerch, an online literary journal published all four of the poems I included in my submission packet!

This endorsement of my work encourages me to keep learning by taking classes and workshops, practicing my craft, and to keep writing. It also helps me appreciate even more my circles of poetry practitioners, the Red Ferns and the WOK Poets, who encourage me and provide helpful insights about my early drafts.

To all of you, with or without publication ambitions, sit down and write. You’ll find it satisfying. You’ll see in future times, coming back to read what your wrote is amazing. And you’ll recognize that you’re a writer.

~ xoA ~

4 replies on “Getting Published, or Not…”

I so appreciate your assurance that we are all writers, coming from you, those words are so reassuring. I love to journal, seldom think about publication, but recently did submit something on a whim, and was stunned, and as you relate, overjoyed when someone else validated my words. So grateful for your continued inspiration.

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Congratulations on putting yourself out there. Sounds like it paid off! And where was “out there”? I’d love to read your piece. Cheers and thanks so much for reading, commenting, and subscribing. xoA ❤

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Submitting has been a struggle for me, too. But this year I decided I was going to do more. So, I have submitted pieces and 50% of the time they’ve been accepted. It’s sort of like the lottery; you have to play to win. Best to you with your beautiful writing, and thanks for reading and commenting, Barbara. xoA ❤

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